Old Growth Trees - Walpole-Nornalup National Park

Walpole-Nornalup National Park has a special 'place' for many people in Western Australia. It contains significant stands of the largest trees in WA - Karris and Tingles - and the parts of the park with Old Growth trees are of special value. The Park has several car parks and associated short walking trails that enable visitors to walk among the trees. As well, the Bibbulmun Track runs through the Park (The Bibbulmun Track is one of the world’s great long distance walk trails, stretching 1000km from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills, to Albany on the south coast - link to website). The large number of visitors to the park, the many walkers who walk the Bibbulmun Track, and the importance that even non users and visitors attached to the Park means this is a 'place' not a 'space'.

Below is a collection of photographs taken from that section of the Bibbulmun Track runs through the section of the Park with old growth trees